2012 Travel Report #14

Apr 23, 2020

Day 15 – a whole 2 weeks and it seems like just yesterday that we arrived in Tokyo.

You’re all welcome for the daily updates, it has been my pleasure. Everyone here wanted to share their experiences as they happened.

Today started at the historical Village of Hokkaido touring heritage buildings from the 1800’s which have been transported to this site from all around Hokkaido. Nak took time out from the tour to show us another one of his many talents …skillfully using Japanese stilts.

We then bused to the sea port of Otaru, a city with a mix of old and new. The city is famous for its Venetian influence and canal as well as glass shops and the biggest music box shop in the world. In the center of town there is a steam clock that has been donated by Vancouver where everyone (except for Mike) successfully met at 5 pm..

On the way back the players caught up on some much needed rest as burning the candle from both ends is taking its toll.

Our farewell dinner was prearranged and to our surprise the Hokkai High School team and parents joined us at the BBQ house restaurant. There was a great spirit of camaraderie between the Japanese and Nikkei players. After dinner the female siblings joined the boys tables which changed the atmosphere some what.

After the festivities, Nak gave all the players mini jersey’s as parting gifts. Each jersey (made by Koji, Megumii and Nak’s mom) is a replica of the Nikkei jersey, complete with player names. In Nak’s closing speech he stressed the most important lesson to take home from the Japanese culture was RESPECT and that this lesson would serve the players well in the future.

The group shared some heartfelt words of gratitude and gifts with Nak, Megumi and Koji. Tears all around (especially from Megumi), all in all a great evening and a 'life experience’ trip.

Tomorrow most of us will start the 22 hour journey home.

