2012 Travel Report #2

Another day without hockey…but what a day it was.
It started with a selection of 237 & 1/2 food items to choose from for breakfast.
After breakfast Evelyn Saito became a hot spot (free WiFi) and players lined the hall outside her room with their various electronic devices.
After all the players finished updating their status on face book… we took a day long lesson on Japan’s rapid train system….taking a train to Harajuku (shopping district) then back to Shinagawa, to switch trains to go to Yokohama (more shopping and amusement park) and then on to the baseball stadium stop and finally back to Shinagawa on to different trains. Some of the players were detained at various stations and learned how smart the system is…if you don’t get checked in the system won’t let you out.
Another lesson learned, after tipping for the first five restaurant meals…no tipping in Japan! But I suppose it’s ok since I’m a hakujin.
We all shopped today for 5 hours 32 minutes and 14 seconds (but who’s counting) for a total player purchases of 2 stuffies and 3 T shirts.
The day was capped off with an life experience at Yokohama Baystars ball game, where being a fan is serious business and Captain Ashton scored an authentic Japanese baseball.